Monday, August 1, 2011


So summer came and went I was excited about the weight I had lost and now I was hooked.    I didn't know what to do and my first thought was NOW WHAT!

The picture to the left was taken in October at the Packer vs Vikings game.   I have no shame when I go to these games and make sure that everyone knows I am an avid vikings fan!   I doesn't go well and the Vikings lost but a good time none the less.

At this point my goal was to get down to 230 lbs which would be a grand total of 44lbs lost.   Lofty I think but i was trying.   I had completly changed how I ate.   Didn't miss much from a food perspective.  loved running and in this picture I was at 235 lbs so I was down almost 40 lbs at this point.

My issue had now become how my clothes fit.   I couldn't keep up with my clothes or I should say they couldn't keep up with me.    Every time i went and bought new pants 3-4 weeks later they didn't fit anymore.  I started this whole thing with a 42" waist.  as you can see in this picture my belt and pants are at the end of their rope and are folded over.   I felt like a tool but it was a good problem to have.

I had signed up for the turkey trot here in the cities so I needed to keep going as I had paid to do something.  I found this would be the beginning of what motivated me to do something and keep going!

It was starting to get cold and I wasn't sure how I felt about running outside so I needed something to keep me motivated during the winter months.   A friend of mine had bought P90X and never really used it so he offered it up to me to use.   I jumped at the opportunity and starting November one I would be getting my ass kicked by Tony Horton for the next 90 days.

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