Here is an example of where I have a mental issue. I can do a triathlon and I am even considering and most likely signing up for a half ironman. I have no desire, or feel i don't have the ability to run a marathon. I know this is a mental thing but I can't get through the mental anguish of running 26 miles. Don't get me wrong I don't mind running in fact in 3-5 mile distances I love it but you get me much past a half marathon and mentally I shut down. I don't think I can do it which then translates into I don't want to do it. I know use this as an excuse but I also know that it is just a mental thing.
So what does this mean to me and maybe you. Long term we have to challenge ourselves. There is going to be a point where you want something to change the first time or push yourself to the next level. How to do that doesn't come down to if you can do it, it comes down to your mental status. Can you push yourself through the mental roadblock that you put up for yourself.
In my case I am not ready to push through the mental block of running a full marathon. I am however ready to do a Half Ironman. I know that sounds weird but I know we have to find it within ourselves to push through those barriers. Will I at some point do a marathon? I think so but for me I have to get through the other things I am ready to accomplish first.
So ask yourself what are your mental blocks? What does your mind stop you from doing? Maybe it's going to the gym, maybe its a physical pain you think will stop you, excercising, or eating that one bad thing that you know you shouldn't but do it anyway. No matter what we all have it within us to push through that mental block! Try and think of it this way...your body is dramatically larger your brain and yes your brain controls our bodies but imagine pushing the other way. making your body tell your brain that I can do one more mile, push through one more rep or put down that thing I wasn't supposed to eat is an awesome accomplishment.
It sucks sometimes and you will want to quite but if you can push yourself through it once you can do it again and there is no better feeling!!!
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