July 23rd, 2011 was a hot day in Mirmac WI. After signing up for so many events this was going to be the pinnacle of my years worth of work. Tough Mudder for those of you that don't know is a 10 mile obstacle course involving intense hill runs and military style obstacle such as crawling through mud, swiming, go across narrow platforms that are suspended off of the ground and running through a live wire obstacel that can shock you with up to 10,000 volts of electricity.
At first no one wanted to do this but eventually one of my co-workers again called and asked about it. We had a convesation around the fact that Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge. Can you get across the finish line. It was not about speed but teamwork. In the end we had 11 people sign up on our team and our goal was to make sure everyone finished.
So Saturday the 23rd came and I could barely sleep which sucked cause we had to be up early to drive down to Devils Head Resort. We left around 6am and I picked up three of my teamates. We got about 2 miles away and traffice came to a dead stop. after about and hour to go to miles we were parked, registered, and ready to go for our 11am start time. At the begining of the race you take an oath, sing the national anthem and understand that you are doing this as a team.
Overall the experience was incredible!! My year worth of work felt like it paid off I was running and completing the obstacles at the head of the pack. I kept that up for about 8 miles and still did great at the end but felt myself slow a bit as the cramping and fatigue started to set it!
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